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Course Category: school

  • Spring 2018

    by Charlemagne
    0 Lessonsin

    Pianist Aanya Gandhi was the Second Prize Winner at the New York Concert Festival International Competition. She presented a concert at the Engelman Hall at Baruch Performing Arts Center on March 26th, 2018.

  • Spring 2018

    by Charlemagne
    0 Lessonsin

    Violists Michael Fording and Natalie Schreder were both selected for the CMEA Regionals Festival and CMEA All State Festival. Michael was Principal Viola for the Regionals Festival Orchestra.

  • Spring 2018

    by Charlemagne
    0 Lessonsin

    Arista Sullivan (piano) was selected as one of the winners at the 33rd annual Deborah Kahan Competition, sponsored by the Connecticut State Music Teachers Association, Fairfield Chapter.

  • Spring 2018

    by Charlemagne
    0 Lessonsin

    Congratulations to longtime Suzuki Music Schools student Eliza Barr!!!
    Eliza took 3rd place at the Texas Guitar Competition, Division I at UT Dallas! She is pictured here with her SMSW guitar instructor, Daniel Corr.

  • Spring 2018

    by Charlemagne
    0 Lessonsin

    Lina Elwood (piano) was selected as one of the winners at the 33rd annual Deborah Kahan Competition, sponsored by the Connecticut State Music Teachers Association, Fairfield Chapter.