Early Start Enrollment – MONDAY 11:30AM WESTPORT SPRING 23


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Child's Information

Each enrolled child should have an accompanying adult to participate with them in the class. If you have questions about the class please call our office 203 227 9474

Parent's Information


Participating Adult (if different from above)

SKU: 11380 Category: Tag:


Age: Birth to 12 months
Duration: 40 min; classes ongoing

Designed specifically for lap babies and crawlers, and their parents, our Early Start class uses music to nurture and strengthen the baby/parent bond. Musical, social, cognitive, physical and emotional development is supported through lullabies, rhymes, intentional touch, action songs, and multi-sensory play. The learning, connection and communication continues at home with multiple styles of music for listening as well as educator-shared resources and suggestion in our private Early Start online group, open only to members of the class.